The Journaling Stan

What Guides Your Pen? Journaling Easily & Naturally


6 minutes

I don’t know what to write….

That phenomenon alone needs some unpacking.
First, we need to address why you feel there’s something specific you have to write about.

Why are there parameters?

Why are there expectations?

You’re journaling to discover; you aren’t journaling with an outcome in mind.

Open your mind to being curious.

Be open go going into your journal completely blind without a map.

A crucial ingredient for a fulfilling journaling practice is curiosity.

I know doing this is hard.

What if the entry sucks? What if you don’t write anything meaningful? What if what you put down is basic, short or lame?

As your journaling aunty, I have to say,

🤬 those what-ifs. They’re really stopping you from seeing who you are through this practice.

Easier said than done?


Here’s the thing though:

This is a lovely opportunity for you to practice flying even when there’s fear.

Journaling isn’t free. It costs bravery.

Let’s say you have an entry that you don’t particularly like.

So what? No harm was done. ❤️.

Heck, it doesn’t even have to be something about you. You can journal about your thoughts from a scene in a TV show — anything.

Now let’s move on to

Flowing in your journal

I guess I have to define flowing for the sake of this post.

Flowing in journaling is about what’s guiding your words.

It’s informed by the attitude you’re showing up to the journal with.

To better express what flow is and to showcase it’s value, I have to reference my own journaling practice:

I go to my journal to interact with what the spiritual girlies call “the higher-self”.

I go to interact with my values.

I show up to meet with the Tiffy I am when I’m calm and unwhelmed.

For the person that doesn’t define her life, her day, or her mood by disturbances.

What moves my pen (my flow-starter) is knowing that my journal is a place of peace. It’s also my pitstop to get me fixed up so I can get back into the world reconnect with my beautiful attitudes, goals, sense of inspiration, and purpose.

With that said, I believe we’ve found our definition:

Flow is intrinsic momentum that’s generated by your desire to be a better you. Flow is just a biproduct of the why you’re journaling in the first place.

Why do you journal? Reconnect with that.

Heck, journal about why you even started journaling!

From that, you’ll go on tangents and other thoughts, ideas, goals, priorities and epiphanies will come to you. You’ll then lean into those naturally occurring prompts . You’ll make your own prompts without even realizing it. Next thing you know, your entry is done.

🤔Can this flow state be forced?

No. I don’t think so . I think it’s fully automatic but you can create conditions where it’s likely to emerge.

Please understand,

There is a difference between motivation and inspiration.

Motivation comes from outside of you. Inspiration comes from within.

Examples? :

So what inspires you?

I believe everyone has an “inspirational system” and a “motivational system”. How those are balanced and what triggers their activation is unique to us.

So, I challenge you to ponder on “inspiration” in and of itself.

Guess what I’m about to say? Yep.

You can do that in your journal!

Prompt: What inspires you? What does inspiration mean to you? When was the last time you felt inspired.

It’s not just frou-frou prompt that sounds cute ; It’s going to call you to feel inspired.

Inspiration activates your spirit and if you ponder it and sit with the feeling of it, you’ll be able to recognize it more and more. Similarly to how if you start writing about your dreams, you’ll dream more! You’ll be more likely to remember dreams! You’re brining these things to your conscious awareness.

Prompt: What drives you to act for no good reason?

This post has gotten me so excited, you have no idea. Because I truly believe that if you tap into the feeling and attitudes you need to have you’ll not only be having fuller journaling session but you’ll also benefit from the attunement to these feelings.

Prompt: What kinds of things can you do with more inspiration?

Screw the journal for a moment, what sorts of things can you accomplish with the principle of flow? What more can come from the deepest parts of you?

If you could call upon it like a Pokémon, what would you do?

Thanks for reading. Here are some prompts inspired by this post to stimulate creative thinking and curiosity. Happy journaling. 💗


  1. Why do you want to journal today?
  2. If you were a color, what color would you be. Why? How about a pattern or texture?
  3. Names some things you’re curious about.
  4. What are you fascinated by? Why?
  5. If fear wasn’t a factor, what would you do?
  6. Describe your current state.(Mood, feelings, energy level, physical sensations, etc.)
  7. What motivates you?
  8. List your core values.
  9. What drives you to act for no good reason?
  10. If you could snap your fingers and make yourself feel inspired, what would you do with it?

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